No atm cards? yet we're living far and have no time to meet? fret not :P 
--look below :) 

Don't Have An ATM Card
No atm card?

No bank account?

No worries, follow these steps.

1. Go to any posb cash deposit machine
(you can find one near any posb bank)

2. Tap the screen to begin transfer.

3. Key in the my account number.

4. They will request for your IC number
and HP number.

(Fret not, it will not be revealed to me,
only posb will know.)

5. Place the cash in the slot

Do note that they only accept $10/$50 note.

No coins. No $5 note. No bent notes.

So i'll refund you the balance together
with your item through postage/meetup.

6. You're done! Collect your receipt.